Thursday, 21 August 2008

Aim comes to visit!!!

Start:     Oct 4, '08
End:     Oct 6, '08
Location:     Kansas City, MO
Counting down the days :).

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Packing for PNG

Packed, addressed, and ready to go.

I had 120 cubic feet of space to pack and send all of my earthly possessions to PNG.

Going "home" to PNG

Wow, this thing called life is one crazy adventure.

I was 15 years old when I first felt God's call to medical missions. After many years of preparation, the dream is coming true! I have been invited by World Mission to serve at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, in Papua New Guinea.  After much prayer and consideration (and a trip to Afghanistan), I knew in my heart that PNG was home for me!  In January 2009, I will join a team of 5 missionary doctors and national staff who are providing medical and spiritual care to the people of PNG.

So the end of July I said "adios" to my Texas home and friends of six years.  I squeezed all of my earthly possessions in my car and headed to Ohio for some time with the fam.  The last three weeks were filled with sorting, building (well, Dad actually did the building) and packing my crate for PNG, and reading books and writing papers in preparation for seminary classes that I start on Monday.  What a whirlwind!

On Tuesday I made yet another move to Kansas City, "City of Fountains" and home to headquarters for Church of the Nazarene.  Ten new missionary interns gathered for orientation on Thursday an Friday.  What a neat group, representing work in almost every continent... South Africa, Peru, Russia, Switzerland, PNG.  It will be wonderful to journey with this group over the fall.

Love from KC.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Where in the world is Papua New Guinea?
PNG is the eastern half of a big island, just north of Australia. Follow this link for more info from Wikipedia.

Project MedSend
Project MedSend provides grants to help with educational loans for healthcare professionals who are serving as missionaries. What a wonderful organization!

Pre-Field Orientation

Start:     Aug 14, '08
End:     Dec 5, '08
Location:     Kansas City, MO

Steph's Deputation Fund --> click here to support my ministry
Some of you have asked, "Steph, how can I support your work in Papua New Guinea?" I can use funds from my deputation account for special projects or extra costs on the field. Examples include medical license, mission trip to Vanuatu, a new fetal doppler for D-ward. Donations are tax-deductible. Follow this link for more information on giving to my deputation account.

And for lots of other ideas, see my blog entry about "How to give."

Nazarene Hospital Foundation
Nazarene Hospital Foundation was founded to support the work of Kudjip Hospital in Papua New Guinea. The site lists current needs such as medications, medical supplies, and maintenance needs. These items can be donated through the Foundation.