Thursday, 8 January 2009

PNG wish list

LAST UPDATED:  5/15/2012

Hi, Mom & Aim :).
Wow, I am pretty full of of blessings these days!

Wish List
hugs, notes, cards, pictures from you
mac & cheese
french fried onions
nuts:  pecans, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds (without shell)
peanut butter M&Ms, Tootsie Rolls, Reese's Pieces, Chick-o-stix
salad topper, croutons
dessert mixes like cheese cake, Reese's peanut butter bar thing, etc.
apple cider and hot chocolate for ladies Bible study
treats for Brutus
i-Tunes cards
Amazon or Kindle gift cards
pretty votive candle holders and votives
missionary-friendly DVDs
an occasional National Geographic, Time, U.S. News & World Report, or other current events magazine
I also enjoy the cooking and home magazines that Mom sends
just for fun holiday things (I have a good Christmas stock)
candy corn in the fall
candy canes at Christmas

What I DON'T Need (for now)
Zip locks --> stocked up on everything but regular sized freezer

DON'T Send
Some countries don't like you sending in plants or seeds; these would probably be confiscated and may red flag future packages.

Mailing Stuff
The USPO is fairly reliable, and probably the most economical way to send things.  There are standard rate boxes for international shipping.  Those are good especially for heavy things because it is the same price for up to 20 pounds (or something like that).  If you are sending a lighter box, might want to check weight and see which would be cheaper.

Please put anything that could melt and/or spill out in a zip lock or other sealable bag/container, because it probably will.

Be sure to write what is in the box on the customs form.

Postage for a standard sized card or letter is $.98.

* If I am lucky, letters/packages will arrive in 2 weeks.  More likely 4+ weeks, even with air mail, and even longer during the holidays.  I have heard stories of mail taking up to a year to arrive, though that is definitely the outlier.  I think the Myers hold he record at 2 years.

Stephanie Doenges
P.O. Box 456
Mt. Hagen, W.H.P.


  1. girl scout cookies, bernaise sauce, french fried onions, etc =)

  2. don't forget to update this often!! mom and i are watching!! feel free to also list things you do NOT need (we know sweet potatoes. :P :) ) can you give things to kids? Mk's or others too?

  3. O.K... thanks for the reminder and suggestion! You can bookmark this page so you don't have to go searching through all of the entries. I'm updating now.

  4. awesome pawesome thanks so much!!! LOVE YOU

  5. Hi, Mom & Aim!
    I've added a few things to my list. Getting long --> none are essentials, just giving you more ideas!
    love ya,

  6. yay! wonderful list coming along!! thanks so much!!

  7. Yep... I add, delete, and rearrange things as they come to mind ;).

  8. oh ok... we don't get emails when you change/update this blog but now i see some changes. =) do you know if crayons would melt in the mail? mom and i were wondering... what dvd's do you already have?

  9. I do update whenever I think of things. No, I don't expect crayons would melt... it doesn't get THAT hot. Chocolate apparently melts sometimes, and sometimes makes it through OK. I'll make a list of DVDs that I have. I also have a wish list on under email, or you can search for my name. Really anything that you think I would enjoy!
    And how about just don't worry about sending things for now. Wait until you and D get more established and you have a job. K?

  10. P.S. I am eating your candy corn now... yummy. And I forget what you make with the bernaise sauce. Can you send me your recipe?

  11. ok so i've looked at your new blogs but been a while since i've actually logged on lol will get you that recipe :) :)

  12. the votives really are to burn! don't let them just sit there :) i now burn candles a lot more even if it's just d and i at home. we can always send more!! (get them for a good price at the jeffersonville outlets - that's why i got good smells though not exactly your favorites. lol )

  13. OK... I will burn one right now :). I am sitting here working on my talk for church on Sunday. You picked out some great smells. I will really enjoy them!

  14. this is ami... feel free to add extra things for christmas! :)

  15. this is ami now at my house lol :P ... feel free to add stuff wanted for thanksgiving too! LOVE YOU

  16. so hopefully the list i sent to people for your bday they won't use again for christmas so you don't get lots more m&ms, chocolate chips, and such hehe

  17. yes! there are popcorn seasonings! as much as d eats of course we have some :) though they are mostly for when i'm in the mood for popcorn since he prefers plain with a lil salt lol
