Saturday, 4 September 2010

Home assignment 2012

Start:     Jan 1, '12
End:     Apr 30, '12
Location:     USA :)
I will be home in the US from January through April 2012. So far I am planning to spend time in Ohio (of course), surrounding states, Texas, and only the Lord knows where else. I am currently working on my speaking schedule and tour itinerary. For more info, follow this link:


  1. I sure hope you consider Minnesota to be a "surrounding state" of Ohio. You are always welcome here! Your nephew is sure going to enjoy seeing you in person!

  2. Steph - How wonderful to be able to get in touch with you. We here at Straight Creek in Ashland, Kentucky have tried to many times and the e-mails are just returned to us as undeliverable. We have your letter telling that you may be in our area. Would it be possible to come to our church? Any time during your "here" time would be geat. The church board has already approved any time on Sunday or Wednesday night. Just let us know when you can make it to our little ole chuch, and we will try to make it happen. We had missionaries into our church 6 months ago or so, and we enjoyed them so much. They were a wonderful couple that have now moved into a very dangerous place. Help us pray for them while they are serving the Lord in a whole new climate for them. Please get back to us as soon as possible. God Bless you for all you are doing. I think that the people in Papa New Guinea are lucky to have you there. I know they are so, so thankful. God is so good. My e-mail address is - Again, I am so thankful that we can finally communicate. Thank you God.
