Sunday, 14 November 2010

Short staffed

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
~ Luke 10:2

The harvest is oh so plentiful.  Every day, people from around the Western Highlands and across the country come to Kudjip Hospital.  They receive care for typhoid and hypertension and pyomositis and cervical cancer.  Wounds are bandaged and bones set.  Babies are delivered and surgeries performed.  Most important of all, our patients have the opportunity to hear about Jesus and see his love in action.

We are in desperate need of workers for the harvest.  Due to recent staff transfers and resignations for a variety of reasons, we are seriously short staffed.  The most critical shortage is nurses.  And without nurses, you can't run a hospital.

On Monday morning, we closed our gate to "longwe" patients.  "Longwe" or "long way" refers to people from outside Jiwaka.  This was done so that we can continue to care for patients in our primary service area without overworking our remaining staff.  The closure makes sense.  It is something that had to be done.  But I am sorry to think about all the patients we will be turning away.

Kudjip Hospital needs your prayers.  Will you pray with us for harvest workers?  Please pray for our current nursing staff and students, that they will be strengthened and encouraged despite the overtime and extra shifts.  Pray for all of us, that we will not miss one opportunity to share Christ with our patients!

1 comment:

  1. My heart goes out to all of you. I will be praying that there will be more nurses to help bear the load. God is able
