I need to pray for this little one, I thought. So I prayed for her. And I recruited my prayer partners to pray for her. Wouldn't you know, she started growing. The thin, wasted little baby began to fill out and plump up. It was amazing to watch how the Lord answered this prayer.
Today we celebrated baby of Lucy's 2000 gram party! As an added bonus we also celebrated babies of Janet and Francisca. We snacked on mandarin oranges, which were a gift to me from another patient, and no bake cookies. I shared from Psalm 139 where the author describes how Papa God sees each of us before we are even born, that our days are written in His book. I think these little ones must have a special place in His heart.
Prayer really makes a difference. So to all my prayer partners out there, thank you for praying. This is only one of the many lives you have touched.
(If you are not currently on my prayer partner list and you would like to receive updates with requests, drop me a note! I would love to add you.)
wow... that is so wonderful. God is good, isnt HE? Please add me to your prayer partner list. I can also share these with my church. I wanna come with you....lol... that sounds like such a reward.