The first f/u may be familiar to those of you who read my blog or heard me speak while I was on home assignment. Do you remember Joseph? He was the guy who almost died before we drained off more than a liter of fluid from his pericardium. Our working diagnosis at the time of his admission was tuberculosis. Joseph was started on TB meds and did VERY well. In fact, he just finished his treatment this week... it was such a blessing to see him looking so good!!!
Some of you may also remember the story of Brenda. She is the little girl with congenital hypothyroidism. Here is an update from Dr. Erin:
"Brenda, who is so cute, lovable and brings joy to my life, came back to see me today. It has been almost a year since she has started on her treatment for congenital hypothyroidism. Is she totally better? No, she isn't talking much, only really saying Mama and calling her sister a name. However, she is walking better, doing a few chores around the house, understanding more and more, and taking care of herself more on her own now. She is growing and hasn't lost her smile or her love. Always a joy to see her and to get a hug from her which erases all the day's frustrations away. Today her and her mom and sister gave me this bilum to say thanks. I wanted to say thanks to them for allowing me to share in the joy of knowing and being loved by Brenda, what a gift is has been."
And the last patient may be new to you, but she is well known to me. I began taking care of Rebecca more than a year ago. She was diagnosed with an early stage of cervical cancer. At the time of surgery, the surgeon found that she had some enlarged lymph nodes which were suspicious for metastatic cancer. She was referred to me, and I referred her for radiation therapy. One year later, she is cancer free. What a joy to visit and pray with one of my survivors! To God be the glory.
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
~ Romans 15:5-6
Awesome news about Rebecca!!